LSE Tracker vs Bristol Tracker: A Comparison

LSE TRacker vs Bristol Tracker

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LSE TRacker vs Bristol Tracker

Application trackers have proliferated as the go-to option for identifying internship opportunities. These products serve as databases for the opening and closing dates of countless opportunities for undergraduate students. Despite the multitude of trackers in existence, only two are widely used outside of their respective universities. Naturally, this raises the question about which is better: Trackr (Formerly Bristol Tracker) or LSE Tracker?

In this blog post, we’ll provide a brief summary of each tracker’s legacy and a comprehensive overview of the features offered by both LSE Tracker and Trackr (Formerly Bristol Tracker), so you can decide which one is best for you.


Presenting LSE Tracker and Trackr (Formerly Bristol Tracker) – A brief history of the two popular application trackers

Before application trackers, identifying internship applications was an arduous endeavour characterised by the neurotic refreshing of a LinkedIn jobs search. The advent of LSE Tracker in 2021 marked the beginning of a hyper-competitive recruitment market where candidates could effortlessly apply to 50+ internships in a single cycle. Following a saga of slow update times and missing opportunities, Trackr (Formerly Bristol Tracker) emerged as an enhanced application tracker dedicated to punctual updates and completeness. Today, these two products are widely used by students and graduates to ease the pursuit of jobs within finance.


Features Comparison – How are they different?

It’s important to identify your priorities for applications to decide which application tracker suits you best. Each product may excel in a different area, so depending on which industry you plan to join or how much you value applying early, your choice of tracker may change.



LSE Tracker

# of Jobs Included



Average Update Time

6 Hours

>5 Days

Tracker Price



Industries Covered

Finance, Law, Technology

Finance, Law

Geographies Covered

UK, North America, Europe


Job Sorting


By Opening Date

Job Alerts

Paid Option


Contacts Column



Current Stage Tracking



HR Emails





With Trackr (Formerly Bristol Tracker) and LSE Tracker established as the two renowned application trackers, it comes as no surprise that both offer remarkable value for students seeking internships. Trackr is a favourable choice for candidates who prioritise fast updates and a wider set of opportunities, while LSE Tracker is a great option for those who want to speak with HR or previous interns. At the end of the day, your choice of application tracker will depend on your personal needs, but both will offer great tracking services to help you stay on top of your applications. Not only that, our community of group chats makes it easier than ever to collaborate with similar students applying for the same roles.


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